(At my private stable)

How to book?
Booking beforehand via dressageinhand@gmail.com
I shall get back to you to set up an appointment
When can lessons take place?
Lessons can take place from Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.
What are the requirements to take lessons at my stable?
Please notice: Only for private lessons at my stable do the following requirements and guidelines count:
Lessons with your own horse(s) only, I do not offer school horses.
I require you to read my book Dressage in Hand. This book is worth many lessons and will ensure you will get the most out of any lesson.
Furthermore, in order to take lessons at my stable, you and your horse must at least be able to perform Shoulder in, Travers and yielding. I will help you with more collected work up to piaffe and passage, whether in hand or under saddle. If you do not meet the requirements please book a coaching here:
What tack do I use?
Lessons can be bitless (soft cavesson), with snaffle, double bridle, freestyle or with cordeo. We can also combine these within the lesson hour. For riding a well fitted dressage saddle, spanish saddle or bareback pad.
What does it cost
The rate at me private stable is € 80,- per hour. Lessons can only be booked for 1 hour per brought horse. I have no overnight stay.
You can bring no more than two horses per booking.
What if you cannot meet the requirements (yet) for lessons at my stable
You can book a pivo lesson or a coaching, or make use of one of the 30+ instructors I have educated within a two year instructor trainer school, anno 2012
You can find these instructors throughout Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and other countries such as New Zealand, via www.equusuniversalis.com
Starting 2019, the Equus Universalis school is in the capable hands of my best and longest student Sandy van den Goorbergh, who I have been teaching 20 years.