Don Conquistador, Creative Director

Josepha rescued Don Conquistador when he was 5 years old. Next to being severely traumatized we discovered he had hyperflexible joints and suffered from PSSM. 

As Josepha's focus is not on what a horse cannot do, but on what a horse can and wants to do, now 17 year old Donny (as we name him) became Josepha's creative partner, always coming up with new exercises, movements and games to play!

Inocencio, Model/Trainer

Ino (for his friends) was rescued as a 6 month old foal, having had a severe traumatic accident.

He truly is 'the boy who lived' as many equine vets were 100% sure he would not survive. However, these vets did not take Josepha's experience and dedication in account.

Now 22 year old Ino, is not only in great shape, he has mentored many students in Dressage in hand and he has been a model for two decades.

Ralph, Co-founder/ IT-specialist/Publicist

Ralph is Josepha's husband for 27 years. He has been the driving force behind Josepha's work, right from the start. Josepha could not have done it without Ralph.

Ralph edits and designs publications and websites. But he also is the man behind creating our paradise horse habitat and facility.

He is hands on, on all levels and basically our Super Hero.

Lorena, House Photographer.

She has the capacity to capture our essence on photo, the real us! 

Next to that she has been a student of Josepha for many years. She rehabbed her beautiful horse Kwint, with Dressage in Hand. 

You can contact Lorena, if you need professional photography, by clicking here:

Petra, Founder of Horses Need Help

Petra is my lifelong friend, student, co-trainer and most importantly, founder of the Horses Need Help  Foundation (Dutch: Stichting Paard in Nood)

She rescued douzens of horses over the course of the last 15 years, with very little means. She takes care of 18 rescues horses at her horse shelter.

You will support the shelter horses when you buy #YHR products or you can donate, if you like. 

Samana, Assistent Trainer

Samana has studied with Josepha as working student many years since she was 12. 

She is very gifted with horses and assists Josepha with the training and care of the horses.

Samana is also a gifted singer, songwriter and musician, of which we will have more to share in the near future!